Parent Coaching, Therapy and Support with Stacy McCann, LCSW
Parent coaching and support in St. Louis MO
We’re now offering parent support sessions!
Compassionate Counseling St. Louis is now offering short term parent support sessions. Four sessions to build skills and learn how to co regulate.
When your child is angry, anxious, or easily overwhelmed, you do your best to support your child - and it’s important to get the support you need too!
Stacy McCann, MSW, LCSW
We love featuring other local therapists on our blog.
Today, as part of our Helping Professionals Interview Series, we are excited to share our interview with Stacy McCann, MSW, LCSW. Stacy guides parents to better understand how their own unique histories effect their parenting and how to use that knowledge to strengthen their relationships with their kids.
Tell us about your experience supporting parents and kids in St. Louis:
I've worked as a social worker and behavior analyst with children and families in St. Louis for 9 years now. I started my career with parent education, did clinical therapy for many years with children and adolescents, and am now coming full circle, reaching out again to parents to help support their parenting journey. I have a long history with neurodivergent families and am always prepared to hear about their experiences in order to better meet their needs! Supporting St. Louis families has been a long time goal of mine and I look forward to continuing that work with my new practice.
Tell us about the Circle of Security:
The Circle of Security parenting program is a user-friendly map of child behavior and emotions based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. Trained clinical facilitators (me!) work with parents one-on-one or in groups to understand and support their child's emotions, as well as identify what secure attachment looks like and how to get there. We acknowledge each parent's unique history, current triggers, and work on coping skills to promote confidence and calm in their family.
Who is the Circle of Security for?
The program is intended to benefit parents of young children, ages 0-6. However, the framework can be applied at any parenting stage, so we can work together regardless of your child's age to create the best plan for you.
How is this different from family therapy or traditional parenting classes?
Circle of Security (COS) is an evidence-based program based on research related to attachment theory. In practice, I find that the difference between COS and other therapy/classes is the acknowledgement of each parent's history - how we as parents were parented ourselves is a huge factor in how we approach our children today! I love that COS combines this knowledge with work on current parenting triggers to create a solid plan with concrete strategies to really create a parenting roadmap!
Why is the Circle of Security a good option for parents of anxious kids?
Because this program focuses on attachment and security, it is a natural fit for parents of anxious children. So much anxiety can be rooted in insecurity, and this program really addresses how to strengthen that root by acknowledging and working on the relationship itself. Because of my long history working with kids who are anxious, hyper sensitive, or neurodivergent, I can take the group information and really hone in on your unique situation, helping create that roadmap that addresses your child's anxiety alongside your parenting!
Is the Circle of Security a good fit for parents of kids with anxiety-driven anger, or behavioral problems?
Definitely! Because anxiety is often at the core of anger and behavior, the program really addresses how to work through each child's unique manifestation of the anxiety. Additionally, I have a lot of experience working with a wide variety of behaviors so I can apply my knowledge to your situation to really tailor the experience.
Is there any specific issue that is not a good fit for the Circle of Security?
If a parent or child has experienced significant trauma, that may be something that needs specific therapeutic work before diving into COS. COS can bring up a lot of history and the emotions associated with that, so in order to take that next step with COS, families may need to have already spent time working on their specific trauma.
When would you recommend a parent consider 1:1 counseling in addition to the Circle of Security?
1:1 counseling can really help a parent dive deeper into both their history as a person, and their parenting path. COS provides a fantastic framework but if a parent needs further support once their program has ended, or just wants to take a closer look at their journey as a parent, and person, so far, then seeking 1:1 counseling is recommended!
What do 1:1 parent support sessions with you look like?
Because I meet with parents via telehealth, I can offer more flexible scheduling and to see parents in the comfort of their own home. Additionally, babies in arms (usually babies under 1 year) are totally welcome during the session! At the beginning of our sessions, we'll discuss goals and talk about how we might work on achieving them. I want to hear about successes and failures (venting welcome), and then we'll work together to develop a concrete plan of action to increase parenting confidence, calm, and cohesion.
What can parents expect to leave with after working with you?
I hope they leave with the feeling that they can do this. They are the best parent for their child, and no matter what, they are enough! Furthermore, I hope they leave with the knowledge to address issues with their child from the root of their relationship in order to create lasting change.
What general tips do you have for parents of anxious kids?
Generally speaking, my biggest tip is to slow down. This sounds simple but on a Tuesday morning when everyone needs to be out the door in 30 minutes, slowing down is the last thing you want to do! But in my experience, kids with anxiety need us to slow down mentally, physically, and emotionally, so they can model themselves after us, and really feel like they're being heard.
Share one fun fact about you that most people don’t know.
Though now I talk for a living, I am actually a writer by trade. I went to college with intentions to become a journalist, and planned to spend my career writing. I loved food writing in particular. I wrote a few small pieces for Feast Magazine, and even won an award long ago from the Riverfront Times for Best Food Blog! Unfortunately my blog is now defunct but I still love to write. I hope to start a blog on my website soon!
How can parents learn more and contact you about the program?
I'd love to chat with parents anytime! I offer a free 15-minute consultation so parents can decide if I'm a good fit for them and their needs. They can visit my website, email me, or give me a call: 314-474-7705.
Curious to learn more about getting treatment for trauma or anxiety? Wondering if you need to connect with a therapist in St. Louis? Contact Compassionate Counseling St. Louis to set up a free 15-minute phone consult. We’ll talk about what’s going on and best next steps - and if we’re not the right fit, we’ll connect you with other wonderful St. Louis-based therapists, like Stacy!
Compassionate Counseling St. Louis provides specialized anger management and anxiety therapy in St. Louis for kids, teens, and college students. We work in Clayton, MO and serve kids, teens, and college students throughout St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Ladue, University City, Town and Country, Webster Groves, Creve Coeur, Kirkwood, Richmond Heights, and Brentwood.
This post was originally published June 12, 2022 and updated March 2, 2023.