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Warm Light Guided Meditation Series: Stress Relief and Whole Body Relaxation
Meditation has many, many benefits.
And a big one that we focus on here at Compassionate Counseling St. Louis is stress reduction.
When meditation is used as a relaxation tool, we want to focus on our physical clues that our body is relaxed.
This warm light guided meditation is great for anxious kids and overwhelmed adults.
And like many meditations, it can apply to anyone who is really noticing a lot of stress being held in their body.
Rainbow Aura Guided Meditation: Empowerment and Anxiety Release
Meditation is an important component of anxiety work for teens. This week, check out our rainbow aura meditation, plus I’ve recorded the script so you can just lay back and relax!
"It Is What It Is" Guided Meditation: Letting Go Of Control and Stress
College and highschool students have to deal with a lot of stress.
School stress, performance stress, life stress, future stress… It’s a lot to handle.
And when you’re dealing with stress, it’s really tough to know how to let it go.
Stress is important. It’s a healthy emotion.
It lets us know that we have things that need to be addressed. It can motivate us to get things done. But at a certain point, that stress reaches a place where it’s not longer healthy. It starts to get in our way. It can even have an impact on our health, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Today’s meditation is focused on letting go of stress and over-control.
Floating Leaves Meditation
Meditation is great for kids, teens, and college students with anxiety. It’s important to help you let go of control.
Meditation at Home: Part Two
Last week we talked about meditation at home vs. trying out a meditation class as a family.
For those of you who want to give meditation a try (and recognize it’s benefits for anxiety, anger management, and building compliance in your little ones), read on!
Floating leaves meditation:
Meditation practice is a huge part of what we work on in therapy. One of my favorite guided meditations that I utilize is called the floating leaves meditation. Rather than trying to switch your brain off or stop all thoughts, you want to just let them float by.
Relaxation Tips for Kids, Teens, and College Students: Guided Meditation
For anxious kids, teens, and college students, it can be very difficult to fall asleep at night.
Not falling asleep means being exhausted the next morning. And guess what happens the next morning? You're too tired to adequately respond to all of the stressors during your day. It's a vicious cycle - and it's super, super common.
One of the ways to relax is to build up a regular relaxation practice.
This means incorporating regular exercise and healthy eating ALONG with relaxation practice, including breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, and visualization.